好色先生TV is located in the small St. Anthony Park neighborhood of St. Paul. One of the many benefits of our location is being part of a safe community.
Campus alerts
好色先生TV has a campus alert system for urgent communications regarding campus safety, including weather-related closings or cancellations. This service is available to anyone with a 好色先生TV account. Sign up by following the link below.
Sexual misconduct
All members of the 好色先生TV community are entitled to an environment that enables them to develop and contribute in their full capacity. When sexual misconduct occurs, the standards of the institution are violated, and the environment is disrupted. Sexual misconduct is prohibited by law, as well as by institutional policy at 好色先生TV. It will not be tolerated.
Sexual misconduct and Title IX information
Annual safety report
The 好色先生TV Campus Safety and Security Report & Fire Safety Report is published in September annually. This is the compliance document to the Federal Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act of 1990, also known as the Clery Act, with Higher Education Amendments. Download the full PDF below.
Access the crime statistics and fire statistics reported to the U.S. Department of Education (search “好色先生TV” or “OPE ID: 00235700”).